Move ForwardW
Move LeftA
Move BackwardS
Move RightD
Move slightly fasterShift
Voice (local)V
Voice (broadcast)B
Inventory swapQ
Drop itemG
Place item*F
Use itemRight Mouse
*Also start smudge stick, must have lighter.


      Evidence Selector | Random Equipment | Random Map | Random Tasks

See also:

  • Basics Guide & Tips and Tricks    
  • Ghost types - Selector 2
  • Fandom Wiki - Questions
  • Maps
  • Steam Games Rank
  • Art3misDVA
  • Keseki
  • Hadronna
  • Zapusten
  • Official Discord, dev
  • PhasmoMatrix
  • Photography:
  • Ghost
  • Fingerprints/Footprints(salt)
  • Dirty Water
  • Ouija Board
  • Interaction (moving items, radio)
  • Dead body
  • Voodoo Doll
  • Bone
  • Ghost writing book
  • Maps:
    Brownstone School

    The Day After

    Questions (see more)
  • "Give us a sign."
  • "Show yourself."
  • "Let us know you are here."
  • "Is anyone here?"
  • "Can you make a sound?"
  • "Throw something."
  • "Open the door."
  • "Show us your presence."
  • Spirit Box
  • "Where are you?"
  • "How old are you?"
  • "Are you male or female?"
  • "Is there anyone here?"
  • "Can you speak to us?"
  • "Are there any ghosts?"
  • "Would you like to talk?"
  • "Are you the only one here?"
  • "Are you here all the time?"
  • "Are you happy?"
  • "Do you want us to leave?"
  • Ouija Board

    Where are you? What is your favourite room?(40%)
    Are you here? Are you close? (20%)
    Where is the bone? (20%)
    What is my sanity? (5%) "Health">80% "Good"60-80% "Average"40-60% "Bad"20-40% "Awful"<20%
    How crazy/insane am I> "Not very">50% "Very"25-50% "Insane"<25%
    Am I insane? "No">90% "Maybe"20-90% "Yes"<20%
    How old are you? Are you old? Are you young? What is your age?(5%)
    How long have you been dead? When did you die? How long ago did you die?(5%)
    Do you respond to everyone?(20%)
    How many are in this room? How many people are in this room? How many people are here? How many ghosts are here?(20%)
    How did you die?(5%)
    Why are you here?(5%)
    How do you feel? Are you OK?(5%)
    Am I pretty? Are we friends? Do you hate me? Do you like chess?(5%)
    Knock knock. Marco.
    Hide and seek. (25%) -> cursed hunts

    The photos taken are kept in your steam folder.
    You can get there through the Steam app Library,
    right click on Phasmophobia > Manage > Browse Local Files

    Talk (V) :: Options > PC Settings > Local Push to Talk > Off

    Reticle :: Options > PC Settings > Cursor Brightness > 5.0

    Cursed Possession Locations


    The Hanged Man – will instantly kill you.
    The Sun – will fully restore your sanity to 100%.
    The Moon – immediately bring down your sanity to 0%.
    The Devil – trigger a Ghost Event.
    The Death – cause a cursed hunt.
    The Wheel of Fortune – either give you +/-25 sanity. Card burns green(+) or red(-).
    The Tower – ghost interaction.
    The High Priestess – bring a dead teammate back to life.
    The Hermit – make the ghost inactive for some time, similar to smudge sticks.
    The Fool – will show up as a different card ... and it reveals itself to be the Fool card.


    Each pin reduces sanity by 10% (8% demon) and provokes ghost interaction.
    Heart pin reduces 20% and starts immediate hunt.
    If player sanity < 10% then all pins go and starts immediate hunt.


    On an investigation you will have around 5 minutes before the Ghost will anger and drop your sanity faster. Use this time to setup equipment and find the Ghost.

    Step 1: Setup a video camera inside the Ghosts room. Then head back to the Truck and watch the CCTV Monitor for a Ghost Orb. If you spot one write it on the last page of your Journal.

    Step 2: Grab the Ghost Writing Book and place it inside the ghosts room. If the Ghost writes on the pages then write it on the last page of your Journal.

    Step 3: Grab the Spirit Box in the Truck. Enter the Ghosts room with the lights out and ask the Ghost questions with your voice. Try "Where are you?" or "How old are you?". If the Spirit Box responds back with a voice then write it in the last page of your Journal.

    Step 4: By this point the room should now be cold. If the Ghost is a freezing temperature Ghost the room will drop to freezing. If you can see your breathe in this room then write it in the last page of your Journal.

    Step 5: Grab the UV Torch from the Truck. Scan all doors, windows and light switches around the Ghost using this light for fingerprints. If you spot a fingerprints then write it down on the last page of your Journal.

    Step 6: Grab the EMF Reader from the Truck. Scan objects around the Ghost that it is interacting with. If the EMF Reader lights up red/ Level 5 then write it on the last page of your Journal.

    Repeat step 1 to 6 until you have three pieces of evidence.

    Final Step: You should now have all 3 pieces of evidence. On the last page of your Journal select the Ghost Type that you have discovered then head back to the Truck and close the door to leave.

    Sometimes the ghost is very aggressive and it might be better to guess than to risk everyone dieing.

    Some additional tasks will not be possible to complete for one reason or another, example the ghost refuses to produce dirty water, or you don't have the equipment to perform the task. This is OK, just do what you can, then leave.


  • Photo Deletion and Vivox | Hotfix v0.10.1.2 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 21:28:31
  • Photo Deletion and Vivox | Hotfix v0.10.1.1 Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:42:03
  • Photo Deletion and Vivox | Minor Update v0.10.1.0 Tue, 13 Aug 2024 14:13:10
  • Makeship | Cursed Voodoo Doll 2nd Edition Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:44:36
  • Phasmophobia for Consoles Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:34:57
  • Eventide | Hotfix v0.10.0.1 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 12:20:37
  • Eventide | Major Update v0.10.0.0 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:14:44
  • The next update, console, merch and more... Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:19:32
  • Ascension | v0.9.6.1 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:17:13
  • Easter 2024 | Update v0.9.6.0 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:42:00
  • Biblical

    Lord, we beg of thee to visit this room and banish from it: all evil. May your holy presence cleanse this space, keeping the spirits in peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Almighty God, send your angels to be in this place, and protect us from all assaults of evil spirits. Please forgive any wrong that has been perpetrated in this room. Dispel the powers of darkness and protect us all this night. In the name of father, son and the holy spirit. Amen,

    Oh Jesus, hear me; banish the evil spirits from this place until we find the clues enough to identify the ghost in order to earn our daily bread. May the clues arrive early and often. In the name of the Lord. Amen.

    Most merciful Lord, thank you for this blessed cross, which is not a crucifix - as those include a depiction of Christ. This blessed symbol is the ultimate defence against evil, and will protect true believers for two hunts, in the small area around where it lands after we toss it onto the floor.

    VR Phasmo

    Notes for Oculus Quest 2

    Old method via VR Desktop = do not use, VR Desktop has developed severe synch / stutter issues.

    Wired -> Oculus Link
    ❏ Start Steam VR
    ❏ Start Occulus Client (free download from Steam)
      "C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-client\OculusClient.exe"
    ❏ Connect Headset with long-arse cable from headset to PC. Must be USB 3 or USB C.
    ❏ Start Head Set
    ❏ Control Panel > Sound > Recording >
      "Headset Microphone / Oculus Virtual Audio Device"
    ❏ Oculus Headset: start Oculus Link
      "Oculus Link" under "Quick Settings" (where time is located) on the very left of the main menu bar. Yeah - kinda hidden, like they don't want you to play games that aren't bought from their store.